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中华临床医师杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (10) : 895 -900. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0785.2024.10.003


李文杰1, 肖萌萌2, 刘蕾3, 高海成1, 邹博远1, 刘世博1, 黄梅1, 苗成利1,()   
  1. 1.102206 北京,北京大学国际医院腹膜后肿瘤外科
    2.100044 北京,北京大学人民医院普通外科
    3.102206 北京,北京大学国际医院病理科
  • 收稿日期:2024-07-16 出版日期:2024-10-15
  • 通信作者: 苗成利
  • 基金资助:

Clinical analysis of 7 cases of retroperitioneal synovial sarcoma

Wenjie Li1, Mengmeng Xiao2, Lei Liu3, Haicheng Gao1, Boyuan Zou1, Shibo Liu1, Mei Huang1, Chengli Miao1,()   

  1. 1.Department of Retroperitoneal tumor, Peking University International Hospital, Beijing 102206, China
    2.Department of General Surgery, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing 100044, China
    3.Department of Pathology, Peking University International Hospital, Beijing 102206, China
  • Received:2024-07-16 Published:2024-10-15
  • Corresponding author: Chengli Miao

李文杰, 肖萌萌, 刘蕾, 高海成, 邹博远, 刘世博, 黄梅, 苗成利. 腹膜后滑膜肉瘤七例[J/OL]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(10): 895-900.

Wenjie Li, Mengmeng Xiao, Lei Liu, Haicheng Gao, Boyuan Zou, Shibo Liu, Mei Huang, Chengli Miao. Clinical analysis of 7 cases of retroperitioneal synovial sarcoma[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(10): 895-900.




回顾性分析北京大学国际医院2015 年1 月~ 2024 年1 月收治的7 例腹膜后滑膜肉瘤患者的临床资料并进行随访。


患者临床表现并不典型,多为腰痛(2 例)及腹痛(4 例);CT 特征性表现为肿瘤呈分叶状或团块状软组织肿块,密度略低于肌肉密度,瘤体内可见坏死区;增强扫描呈均匀或不均匀强化,肿块边缘有时可见钙化。本组患者均行手术治疗,术中见瘤体常较大,多侵犯周围脏器。术后出现并发症2 例(胃瘫1,肠瘘1),围术期死亡1 例(呼吸衰竭)。7 例患者均存在SS18 基因重排。随访截至2024 年3 月,所有患者均死于该疾病,中位生存期56 月。




To investigate the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, pathological features,treatment and prognosis of retroperitoneal synovial sarcoma, and to improve surgeons' understanding of retroperitoneal synovial sarcoma.


Retrospective analysis was made on the clinical data of 7 cases of retroperitioneal synovial sarcoma patients undergoing surgical resection in Peking University International Hospital from January 2015 to January 2024,and to do the follow-up visit.


The clinical manifestations of the patients were not typical, most of them were low back pain (2 cases) and abdominal pain (4 cases).The characteristic findings of CT were that the tumor was lobed or lumpy soft tissue mass,the density was slightly lower than the muscle density, and necrosis area was visible in the tumor body.The enhanced scan showed uniform or uneven enhancement, and sometimes calcification was seen at the edge of the mass.All patients in this group underwent surgical treatment, and the tumors were often larger and invaded the surrounding organs.Postoperative complications occurred in 2 cases (gastroparesis 1, intestinal basket 1),and perioperative death occurred in 1 case (respiratory failure).SS18 gene rearrangement was present in all 7 patients.All patients were followed up until March 2024 and died of the disease,median survival was 56 months.


The clinical manifestations of patients with synovial sarcoma are nonspecific, and the characteristic chromosomal translocation is the gold standard for diagnosis.Surgical resection is still the main treatment.This kind of tumor has high malignant degree, easy recurrence after operation and poor prognosis.

表1 7 例滑膜肉瘤患者基本临床资料
图1 CT 影像学表现。图a 为平扫见腹膜后区域团块状软组织肿块,密度略低于肌肉密度,病灶内可见液性暗区;图b 为增强扫描肿瘤实质不均匀性、明显强化,内部可见出血、坏死,边缘可见钙化;图c 为瘤体巨大,压迫周围脏器(肝脏、胰腺、胃小弯、肠管等),局部见可疑侵犯
图2 肿瘤大体标本、镜下及免疫组织化学表现。图a 为标本大体表现,切面呈囊实性,可见出血坏死及纤维化、黏液样变性,内有囊腔形成;图b 为梭形细胞型肿瘤:细胞丰富,可见细胞致密区和疏松区交替分布,致密区细胞异型性明显,核分裂象多见(>10 个/10HPF)(HE×100);图c 为双相型肿瘤:大部分肿瘤细胞梭形,束状排列,局灶可见上皮样细胞形成腺腔样结构,伴片状坏死(HE×100);图d 为INI1 均呈部分表达减弱或缺失(En Vision ×100);图e 为TLE1 呈强阳性表达(En Vision ×100);图f 为EMA 呈强阳性表达(En Vision ×100);图g 为BCL-2 呈强阳性表达(En Vision×100)
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