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中华临床医师杂志(电子版) ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (01) : 84 -88. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0785.2023.01.015


汪德海1, 李天君1, 于磊1, 郭昌龙1, 方明霞1, 高华方1, 高建恩1, 马旭1,()   
  1. 1. 100081 北京,国家卫生健康委科学技术研究所
  • 收稿日期:2021-07-08 出版日期:2023-01-15
  • 通信作者: 马旭

Design and construction of national reproductive reserve network for cancer patients

Dehai Wang1, Tianjun Li1, Lei Yu1, Changlong Guo1, Mingxia Fang1, Huafang Gao1, Jianen Gao1, Xu Ma1,()   

  1. 1. National Research Institute for Family Planning, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2021-07-08 Published:2023-01-15
  • Corresponding author: Xu Ma
  • Supported by:
    National Key R&D Program of China in 13th Five-Year Period(2017YFC1002004)

汪德海, 李天君, 于磊, 郭昌龙, 方明霞, 高华方, 高建恩, 马旭. 肿瘤患者生殖储备协作网络系统设计与建设[J]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版), 2023, 17(01): 84-88.

Dehai Wang, Tianjun Li, Lei Yu, Changlong Guo, Mingxia Fang, Huafang Gao, Jianen Gao, Xu Ma. Design and construction of national reproductive reserve network for cancer patients[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition), 2023, 17(01): 84-88.










To construct a cooperative network for reproductive preservation of gonadal tissue from cancer patients by using informatics technologies, so as to provide quality and safety guarantee for the preservation and application of gonadal tissue from cancer patients.


To meet the changing demand of the business process, the system was built in an iterative and step-by-step manner. A platform framework was designed to develop a collaborative network system of reproductive preservation for cancer patients according to the application requirements of business process and database, information exchange and sharing, data security protection, subsystem function, and data management and analysis.


Polygonal software architecture was used to meet the business requirements of different users. Representational state transition (RESTful) method was employed for data exchange to reduce software description complexity. Hypertext secure transfer protocol (HTTPS) was used for data transmission to ensure the security of data transmission. The system had standardized 97 key fields, including 46 text fields and 51 digital fields. The information content included patients' basic information, physical examination, clinical diagnosis, gonad tissue collection and storage, transplantation and post-transplantation follow-up, and other life-cycle information. By using this system, a closed-loop management of the gondal samples and related information from cancer patients who need fertility protection was achieved.


As one of the bases for the reproductive preservation of cancer patients, this network provides an effective tool for the management of cancer patients' gonad tissues bio-banking procedure, such as sample storage procedure, patient follow-up after transplantation, and environment monitoring and recording. It provides a system to ensure the quality and safety for long-term tissue storage.

图1 肿瘤患者生殖储备协作网络(NRRN-CP)软件构架图 注:HTTP为超文本传输协议;UI为用户界面;APP为应用程序
图2 肿瘤患者生殖储备协作网络(NRRN-CP)软件业务层次关系图 注:HTTP为超文本传输协议;UI为用户界面;APP为应用程序;ESB为企业服务总线;Spring为一种开源代码的应用程序框架;MVC为模型-视图-控制结构;JSP为一种基于文本的程序;Bootstrap为一种用于快速开发网页应用程序和网站的前端框架;JQuery是基于插件的JavaScript库;Oracle为美国甲骨文公司
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