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中华临床医师杂志(电子版) ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (12) : 1270 -1276. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0785.2023.12.010

所属专题: 临床药学


俞俊霞, 台宗光, 程婷婷, 朱全刚()   
  1. 233030 蚌埠,蚌埠医学院药学院;200443 上海,上海市皮肤病医院药剂科
    200443 上海,上海市皮肤病医院药剂科
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-10 出版日期:2023-12-15
  • 通信作者: 朱全刚

Network pharmacological analysis of Honghuapingyou granules for treatment of verruca plana and detection of hydroxysafflor yellow A

Junxia Yu, Zongguang Tai, Tingting Cheng, Quangang Zhu()   

  1. School of Pharmacy, Bengbu Medical College, Bengbu 233030, China;Department of Pharmacy, Shanghai Skin Disease Hospital, Shanghai 200443, China
    Department of Pharmacy, Shanghai Skin Disease Hospital, Shanghai 200443, China
  • Received:2023-08-10 Published:2023-12-15
  • Corresponding author: Quangang Zhu
  • Supported by:
    Shanghai 2022 "Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan" Biomedical Science and Technology Support Project(22S21902700); National Natural Science Foundation of China(82172706)

俞俊霞, 台宗光, 程婷婷, 朱全刚. 红花平疣颗粒治疗扁平疣的网络药理学分析及羟基红花黄色素A的含量测定[J/OL]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版), 2023, 17(12): 1270-1276.

Junxia Yu, Zongguang Tai, Tingting Cheng, Quangang Zhu. Network pharmacological analysis of Honghuapingyou granules for treatment of verruca plana and detection of hydroxysafflor yellow A[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition), 2023, 17(12): 1270-1276.




借助中药系统药理数据库和分析平台(TCMSP)数据库、SwissTargetPrediction数据库、中医药证候关联数据库(SymMap数据库),筛选出红花平疣颗粒的主要活性成分及其作用靶点;借助人类基因综合数据库(Genecards数据库)、人类孟德尔遗传数据库(OMIM数据库)检索出扁平疣的相关靶点;借助蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用数据库(STRING数据库)构建潜在靶点的蛋白质互作网络(PPI)图,并利用Cytoscape 3.7.2软件构建“红花平疣颗粒-活性成分-作用靶点”网络图;借助基因功能注释分析数据库Matascape进行基因本体(GO)和京都基因与基因组百科全书(KEGG)富集分析,并利用Cytoscape软件构建“活性成分-核心靶点-信号通路”网络图;最后采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法对红花平疣颗粒中主要指标成分羟基红花黄色素A进行含量测定。


通过网络药理学筛选出157个活性成分,94个核心靶点。此外,红花平疣颗粒可能通过调控白细胞介素-17(IL-17)和缺氧诱导因子1(HIF-1)等信号通路发挥治疗扁平疣的作用。HPLC结果显示,羟基红花黄色素A在6~120 mg/L范围内线性关系良好(r=0.9996),精密度、重复性、稳定性试验的相对标准偏差(RSD)值均<3%,平均回收率为96.17%~101.85%,RSD为2.19%(n=6),其平均含量为0.0576 mg/g。




To systematically analyze the main active ingredients, potential therapeutic targets, and mechanism of action of Honghuapingyou granules in the treatment of verruca plana by network pharmacology, and to establish the quality control index for Honghuapingyou granules on this basis.


With the help of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology Database and Analysis Platform (TCMSP) database, the SwissTargetPrediction database, and the Symptom Mapping (SymMap) database, the main active components and targets of Honghuapingyou granules were screened. The relevant targets of verruca plana were retrieved with the help of the Human Gene Database GeneCards and the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database. The Protein-Protein Interaction Networks (PPI) diagram of potential targets was constructed with the Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins (STRING) database, and the network diagram of "Honghuapingyou granules-active ingredient-target action" was constructed using Cytoscape 3.7.2 software. Gene ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment analyses were performed with the help of the gene function annotation analysis database Matascape, and the network diagram of the "active ingredient-core target-signaling pathway" was constructed with Cytoscape software. Finally, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to determine the content of hydroxysafflower yellow A, the main index component in Honghuapingyou granules.


A total of 157 active ingredients and 94 core targets were screened through network pharmacology. In addition, Honghuapingyou granules play a role in the treatment of verruca plana possibly by regulating signaling pathways such as interleukin-17 (IL-17) and hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1). The results of HPLC showed that the linear relationship between hydroxysafflower yellow A was good in the range of 6-120 mg/L (r=0.9996), the relative standard deviation (RSD) values of precision, repeatability, and stability were less than 3%, the average recovery rate was 96.17%-101.85%, the RSD was 2.19% (n=6), and the average content was 0.0576 mg/g.


The mechanism of action of Honghuapingyou granules in the treatment of verruca plana has been preliminarily explored through network pharmacology, and the quantitative study of hydroxysafflower yellow A, the selected quality control index component, provides a basis for the study of pharmacodynamics and quality standard improvement of Honghuapingyou granules in the treatment of verruca plana.

表1 本研究获取资料数据库的网址及作用
表2 红花平疣颗粒组方中药的共有成分
表3 红花平疣颗粒部分中药活性成分作用靶点表
成分 靶点 中药
山奈酚(kaempferol) PTGS2、PGR、BCL2、AR、RELA、TNF、AKT1、MMP1、HMOX1、STAT1、CYP1A1、ICAM1、CYP1B1 红花、黄芪、香附、僵蚕
金合欢素(acacetin) PTGS2、FASN、ADRB2、BCL2、CASP8、AR、CDK2、RELA、CDKN1A、TP53、CYP19A1 板蓝根
刺芒柄花素(formononetin) PTGS2、ADRB2、ESR1、AR、ESR2、CDK2、IL4 百部、黄芪、三棱
β-胡萝卜素(beta-carotene) BCL2、CASP8、AKT1、VEGFA、MMP2、MMP1、HMOX1、ALB、CTNNB1、MYC、GJA1 红花
地黄苷d(rehmannioside d) CASP8、CYP19A1、CDK1、QARS、MMP13、MMP12、MMP8、IL2、STAT3 地黄
羟基红花黄色素a(hydroxysafflor yellow a) AKR1B1、CYP19A1、MMP13、MMP12、STAT3、IL1B、EDNRA、TERT、ATP2A1、ABCB1、MTOR、EP300、ACP1、IARS2 红花
表4 3批红花平疣颗粒的羟基红花黄色素A含量
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