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中华临床医师杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (03) : 283 -294. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0785.2024.03.008


虞岱瑶1, 冯文莉1,()   
  1. 1. 030001 山西太原,山西医科大学第二临床医学院皮肤科
  • 收稿日期:2024-05-01 出版日期:2024-03-15
  • 通信作者: 冯文莉
  • 基金资助:

Study on the effect of SAP2 and STP1 in Itraconazole resistance of Candida albicans under different states

Daiyao Yu1, Wenli Feng1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Second Clinical Medical College, Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030009, China
  • Received:2024-05-01 Published:2024-03-15
  • Corresponding author: Wenli Feng

虞岱瑶, 冯文莉. 不同状态下SAP2和STP1在白念珠菌伊曲康唑耐药中的作用[J]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(03): 283-294.

Daiyao Yu, Wenli Feng. Study on the effect of SAP2 and STP1 in Itraconazole resistance of Candida albicans under different states[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(03): 283-294.










To investigate the role and relationship of virulence factor SAP2 and transcription factor STP1 in itraconazole (ITR) resistance of Candida albicans in free state and biofilm state.


The experimental strains were 10 itraconazole-resistant Candida albicans and 10 sensitive strains. Firstly, the SAP2 and STP1 of itraconazole-resistant and sensitive strains of Candida albicans isolated in free state were sequenced by PCR method, and the relationship between gene mutation and drug resistance was analyzed. Then, the biofilm of Candida albicans was constructed by 96-well plate. The mRNA expression levels of SAP2, STP1 and STP1Δ/Δ of Candida albicans in free state and biofilm state were detected by RT-PCR method, and the differences and correlation of SAP2, STP1 and STP1Δ/Δ expression in different states were compared and analyzed. The growth morphology of Candida albicans biofilm at different time points and the effects of SAP2, STP1 and STP1Δ/Δ on its formation ability were observed by crystal violet staining and laser confocal microscope.


SAP2 sequencing showed that there were no missense mutations with three synonymous mutations (T276A, G543A and A675C), two missense mutations N394S (20) and D71I (2) and two synonymous mutations C453T (4) and A799G (1) were found in STP1 gene sequencing, among which N394S existed in all drug resistant and sensitive strains, while D71I only existed in two sensitive strains. Compared with sensitive strains, Candida albicans resistant strains and STP1 gene deficient strains (STP1Δ/Δ) had stronger biofilm forming ability, and the expressions of SAP2 and STP1 were up-regulated in free state and biofilm state, and the expression levels of SAP2 and STP1 in biofilm state were significantly higher in resistant and sensitive strains than in free state. However, there was a significant positive correlation between the mRNA expression levels of SAP2 and STP1 under any condition. In addition, compared with the standard strain ATCC11006, the expression of SAP2 in the STP1 gene deficient strain (STP1Δ/Δ) was also significantly up-regulated under the two states, and the difference was statistically significant.


The formation of biofilm can increase the itraconazole resistance of Candida albicans, but the mutations of SAP2 and STP1 genes may not be related to the drug resistance of Candida albicans. In free state, the high expression of SAP2 is related to the drug resistance of Candida albicans ITR, while in both free state and biofilm state, the increase of ITR resistance of Candida albicans is related to STP1. In addition, STP1 can regulate and control SAP2, and its mechanism needs to be studied urgently.

表1 实验用主要试剂
表2 实验用主要仪器设备
表3 体外抗真菌药物敏感性试验参考范围
表4 生物膜形成能力判读标准
表5 聚合酶链式反应和实时定量聚合酶链式反应(RT-qPCR)的所有引物序列
表6 菌株体外药敏试验结果(单位:μg/ml)
表7 C. albicans SAP2基因中发生碱基突变和氨基酸置换
表8 C. albicans STP1基因中发生碱基突变和氨基酸置换
图1 倒置显微镜下(20×10倍)观察不同时间点白念珠菌生物膜生长情况。图a为结晶紫染色观察耐药菌株生物膜1 h形态特点,图b为结晶紫染色观察敏感菌株生物膜1 h形态特点,图c为结晶紫染色观察耐药菌株生物膜12 h形态特点,图d为结晶紫染色观察敏感菌株生物膜12 h形态特点,图e为结晶紫染色观察耐药菌株生物膜24 h形态特点,图f为结晶紫染色观察敏感菌株生物膜24 h形态特点,图g为结晶紫染色观察耐药菌株生物膜48 h形态特点,图h为结晶紫染色观察敏感菌株生物膜48 h形态特点
图2 激光共聚焦显微镜下(20×10倍)观察白念珠菌在1 h、12 h、24 h和48 h的生物膜生长情况。图A组为激光共聚焦观察生物膜1 h形态特点;图B组激光共聚焦观察生物膜12 h形态特点;图C组为激光共聚焦观察生物膜24 h形态特点;图D组为激光共聚焦观察生物膜48 h形态特点,a为标准菌株;b为耐药菌株;c为敏感菌株;d为STP1Δ/Δ菌株
表9 生物膜形成能力结果判读
图3 标准菌株与STP1Δ/Δ菌株生物膜形成能。*P<0.05
图4 耐药菌株与敏感菌株生物膜形成能力。***P<0.001
图5 游离状态下敏感与耐药菌株组SAP2与STP1表达水平。*P<0.05
图6 生物膜状态下敏感与耐药菌株组SAP2与STP1表达水平。ns P>0.05,**P<0.01
图7 不同状态下临床分离白念珠菌SAP2表达水平(左为耐药组,右为敏感组)。***P<0.001
图8 不同状态下临床分离白念珠菌STP1表达水平(左为耐药组,右为敏感组)。***P<0.001,**P<0.01
图9 不同状态下临床分离白念珠菌SAP2与STP1表达水平(耐药组和敏感组共同对比,即N=20)。***P<0.001
表10 临床分离白念珠菌在游离和生物膜状态下SAP2和STP1的相关性
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