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中华临床医师杂志(电子版) ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (02) : 124 -128. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0785.2019.02.009

所属专题: 文献


  1. 1. 030001 太原,山西医科大学第二医院风湿免疫科
  • 收稿日期:2018-10-19 出版日期:2019-01-15
  • 通信作者: 石磊
  • 基金资助:

Establishment and evaluation of a rat model of rheumatoid arthritis comorbid with depression

Lei Shi1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, the Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030001, China
  • Received:2018-10-19 Published:2019-01-15
  • Corresponding author: Lei Shi
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Shi Lei, Email:

石磊. 类风湿关节炎共病抑郁症大鼠模型的建立及评价[J]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版), 2019, 13(02): 124-128.

Lei Shi. Establishment and evaluation of a rat model of rheumatoid arthritis comorbid with depression[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition), 2019, 13(02): 124-128.






RA共病抑郁症组大鼠踝关节肿大、畸形,伴有运动迟缓、快感缺乏等抑郁状态。造模后第28天时大鼠体质量方面抑郁症组[(63.6±2.5)g]、RA共病抑郁症组[(152.2±3.2)g]均低于正常对照组[(179.5±3.7)g],差异均有统计学意义(t=-2.383,P=0.019;t=-3.887,P=0.010)。慢性应激刺激后第22天时,大鼠饮用糖水量方面抑郁症组[(19.8±0.3)g]、RA共病抑郁症组[(18.9±0.1)g]明显小于正常对照组[(31.7±0.8)g],差异具有统计学意义(t=6.71,P=0.016;t=5.12,P=0.023)。抑郁症组大鼠刺激后旷场实验水平得分、垂直得分均低于正常对照组[(54.41±6.42)分vs(98.34±4.83)分;(19.83±2.31)分vs(36.03±2.75)分],差异均有统计学意义(t=5.31,P=0.023;t=2.34,P=0.042)。RA共病抑郁症组大鼠刺激后水平得分、垂直得分均低于正常对照组[(38.35±3.28)分vs(98.34±4.83)分;(12.73±3.42)分vs(36.03±2.75)分],差异均有统计学意义(t=3.96,P=0.032;t=3.26,P=0.035)。IL-27、IL-17和IL-10水平在RA共病抑郁症组均高于正常对照组[(297.97±34.23)ng/L vs (212.43±14.52)ng/L;(184.62±33.71)ng/L vs (109.40±9.81)ng/L;(162.74±25.38)ng/L vs (131.51±20.43)ng/L ],差异均具有统计学意义(t=4.78,P=0.0291;t=2.57,P=0.032;t=5.33,P=0.023)。




To establish and evaluate an animal model of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) comorbid with depression.


A rat model of RA comorbid with depression was established based on a model of type II collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) combined with chronic unpredictable mild stress. Evaluation of mice behavior was performed by the Open-field test and sucrose preference test. Serum IL-27, IL-17, and IL-10 levels were determined by ELISA. One-way ANOVA and LSD-t test were used for the overall comparison between groups.


The ankle joints of rats in the model group were swollen and deformed, accompanied with retardation of movement and lack of pleasure. On the 28th day after modeling, the body mass of rats in the depression alone group [(63.6±2.5) g vs (179.5±3.7) g, F=7.64] and comorbidity group [(152.2±3.2) g vs (179.5±3.7) g, F=12.37] was significantly lower than that of the normal control group (t=-2.383, P=0.019; t=-3.887, P=0.010). On the 22nd day after chronic stress stimulation, the intake of sugar water in the depression alone group [(19.8±0.3) g vs (31.7±0.8) g] and comorbidity group [(18.9±0.1) g vs (31.7±0.8) g, F=26.71] was significantly lower than that of the normal control group (t=6.71, P=0.016; t=5.12, P=0.023). The horizontal score [(54.41±6.42) points vs (98.34±4.83) points] and vertical score [(19.83±2.31) points vs (36.03±2.75) points] in the depression alone group after stimulation were significantly lower than those of the normal control group (t=5.31, P=0.023; t=2.34, P=0.042). The horizontal score [(38.35±3.28) points vs (98.34±4.83) points] and the vertical score [(12.73±3.42) points vs (36.03±2.75) points, F=7.31] of the comorbidity group were significantly lower than those of the normal control group (t=3.96, P=0.032; t=3.26, P=0.035). The levels of IL-27, IL-17, and IL-10 in the model group [(297.97±34.23) ng/L vs (212.43±14.52) ng/L; (184.62±33.71) ng/L vs (109.40±9.81) ng/L; (162.74±25.38) ng/L vs (131.51±20.43) ng/L] were significantly higher than those in the control group (t=4.78, P=0.0291; t=2.57, P=0.032; t=5.33, P=0.023).


The comorbidity group rats showed typical characteristics of arthritis and depression, such as ankle swelling, deformity, and lack of pleasure. The above symptoms are consistent with the clinical characteristics of patients with RA comorbid with depression. The model has high reproducibility and is easy to operate, and it is an ideal model for the study of RA combined with depression.

表1 各组大鼠造模前后体质量变化(g,±s
表2 各组大鼠刺激前后饮用糖水量比较(g,±s
表3 各组大鼠旷野试验结果比较(分,±s
表4 各组大鼠外周血细胞因子变化结果比较(ng/L,±s
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