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中华临床医师杂志(电子版) ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (09) : 857 -862. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0785.2022.09.008


赵彦叶1, 顾乃刚1,(), 张亮1   
  1. 1. 300011 天津,天津市急救中心
  • 收稿日期:2022-03-28 出版日期:2022-09-15
  • 通信作者: 顾乃刚

Factors associated with delay from onset to call for help in patients with acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction

Yanye Zhao1, Naigang Gu1,(), Liang Zhang1   

  1. 1. Tianjin Emergency Center, Tianjin 300011, China
  • Received:2022-03-28 Published:2022-09-15
  • Corresponding author: Naigang Gu

赵彦叶, 顾乃刚, 张亮. 急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死患者发病至呼救延迟的影响因素分析[J/OL]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版), 2022, 16(09): 857-862.

Yanye Zhao, Naigang Gu, Liang Zhang. Factors associated with delay from onset to call for help in patients with acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition), 2022, 16(09): 857-862.




采集天津市急救中心2020年接诊救治的急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死患者的临床资料,将1238例纳入为研究对象,进行回顾性分析,把患者发病至呼叫120的时长分为≤30 min和>30 min 2组,以年龄、性别、发病时间、发病时症状、首次医疗接触心电图、血压、血氧饱和度等为研究变量,单因素及多因素logistic二元回归分析呼救延迟的影响因素。


患者发病平均年龄66.5岁(66.5±13.5),其中年龄<69岁730例(59%),男性913例(73.7%),居住市内六区759例(61.2%),既往有心脑血管疾病或外周血管疾病625例(50.5%),呼救时主要症状为胸背痛815例(65.8%),发病时间在21:00~7:00 507例(40.9%),发病在周末375例(30.3%),急性下壁心肌梗死616例(49.8%),首次医疗接触收缩压<120 mmHg 595例(48.1%),血氧饱和度<90%150例(12.1%),583例(47%)的患者院前发病至呼叫120时长>30min;研究结果提示,女性(优势比OR)=1.406;95%CI:1.011~1.956;P=0.043),年龄>69岁(OR=1.635;95%CI:1.213~2.203;P=0.001),首次医疗接触收缩压≥120 mmHg(OR=1.501;95%CI:1.124~2.004;P=0.006)是导致患者发病至呼叫120延迟的危险性因素;发病时间在7:00~21:00(OR=0.733;95%CI:0.553~0.972;P=0.031),呼叫120时主要症状为意识障碍(OR=0.442;95%CI:0.205~0.953;P=0.037)是促使患者及时呼叫120的保护性因素。


女性患者,年龄>69岁,发病时间在21:00~7:00,呼叫120时主要症状非意识障碍、发病时收缩压≥120 mmHg是急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死患者呼救延迟的独立危险因素。需要重点关注、加强宣教,以期尽早识别急性心肌梗死、及时呼救、减少致死致残。


This study focused on the delay of patients, analyzed the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction from onset to call 120, and discussed the influencing factors of the delay of patients from onset to call 120.


The clinical data of 1238 patients with acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction treated at Tianjin emergency Center in 2020 were collected and retrospectively analyzed. Patients with chest pain up to 120 minutes were divided into two groups based on the duration from onset to call 120: ≤30 minutes and >30 minutes. Using age, gender, onset time, symptoms at onset, blood pressure at onset, and oxygen saturation as research variables, univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to identify the influencing factors of call delay.


The average age onset was (66.5±13.5) years old, 730 cases (59%) were ≤69 years old, 913 (73.7%) were male, and 759 (61.2%) lived in six districts of the city. There were 625 cases (50.5%) with cardio-cerebrovascular disease or peripheral vascular disease, 815 (65.8%) with chest and back pain when calling for help, 507 (40.9%) with disease onset at 21:00~7:00, 375 (30.3%) with disease onset on weekends, 490 (49.8%) with acute inferior myocardial infarction, 595 (48.1%) with first medical contact systolic blood pressure <120 mmHg, 150 (12.1%) with blood oxygen saturation <90%, and 583 (47%) who took more than 30 minutes from prehospital onset to call 120. The results showed that female gender [odds ratio (OR)=1.406; 95% CI: 1.011~1.956; P = 0.043], age >69 years old (OR=1.635; 95% CI: 1.213~2.203; P=0.001), and first medical contact systolic blood pressure ≥120 mmHg (OR=1.501; 95% CI: 1.124~2.004; P=0.006) were risk factors for delay from onset to call 120, while onset time of 7:00~21:00 (OR=0.733; 95% CI: 0.553~0.972; P=0.031) and disturbance of consciousness as the main symptom when calling 120 (OR=0.442; 95% CI: 0.205~0.953; P=0.037) were protective factors for patients to call 120 in time.


Female gender, age >69 years old, onset time at 21:00~7:00, unconsciousness as the main symptom when calling 120, and systolic blood pressure ≥120 mmHg at onset are independent risk factors for delayed call for help in patients with acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. It is necessary to pay more attention and strengthen propaganda and education in order to identify acute myocardial infarction as soon as possible, prevent the delay of call for help in time, and reduce death and disability.

表1 1238例急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死患者各变量描述
变量 平均值(标准差,最小值,最大值)或者频率(%)
年龄 66.5(13.5,24,100)
年龄≤69岁 730(59%)
市内六区 759(61.2%)
环城四区 479(38.8%)
心脑血管或外周血管疾病 625(50.5%)
高血压 482(39%)
糖尿病 251(20.3%)
慢性肺部疾病 10(0.8%)
肾衰竭 6(0.5%)
癌症 18(1.5%)
血小板增多症 1(0.1%)
风湿性心脏病 2(0.2%)
既往体健 217(17.9%)
既往冠脉放置支架 70(5.7%)
胸背痛 815(65.8%)
胸闷 206(16.6%)
呼吸困难 49(3.9%)
意识障碍 94(7.5%)
腹痛 14(1.1%)
恶心、呕吐 12(0.9%)
心悸 18(1.4%)
心前区不适 19(1.5%)
头晕 3(0.2%)
全身乏力 7(0.5%)
≤30 655(52.9%)
>30且≤60 289(23.3%)
>60 294(23.7%)
24:00~6:00 338(27.3%)
6:00~12:00 360(29.3%)
12:00~18:00 240(10.4%)
18:00~24:00 300(24.2%)
周一 187(15.1%)
周二 178(24.2%)
周三 167(13.5%)
周四 171(13.8%)
周五 160(12.9%)
周六 196(15.8%)
周日 179(14.5%)
Ⅱ、Ⅲ、AVF至少相邻2个导联 616(49.8%)
V1-V6中至少相邻2个导联 494(39.9)
Ⅱ、Ⅲ、AVF+V1-V6至少相邻2个导联 55(4.4%)
aVR 25(2.0%)
Ⅰ、AVL、V4-V6至少相邻2个导联 48(3.9%)
收缩压<120 595(48.1%)
<90 150(12.1%)
表2 患者发病至呼叫120时长分段各变量统计分析结果
表3 患者发病至呼叫120超过30 min相关因素的二元回归分析
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