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中华临床医师杂志(电子版) ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (10) : 930 -935. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0785.2022.10.003


张辉1, 裴征1, 张克石1, 李腾奇1, 薛喆1, 李沼1, 贾俊秀1, 关振鹏1,()   
  1. 1. 100041 北京,北京大学首钢医院骨科
  • 收稿日期:2022-09-23 出版日期:2022-10-15
  • 通信作者: 关振鹏
  • 基金资助:

Clinical efficacy of arthroscopy combined with medial high tibial osteotomy for medial knee osteoarthritis

Hui Zhang1, Zheng Pei1, Keshi Zhang1, Tengqi Li1, Zhe Xue1, Zhao Li1, Junxiu Jia1, Zhenpeng Guan1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Orthopedics, Shougang Hospital, Peking University, Beijing 100041, China
  • Received:2022-09-23 Published:2022-10-15
  • Corresponding author: Zhenpeng Guan

张辉, 裴征, 张克石, 李腾奇, 薛喆, 李沼, 贾俊秀, 关振鹏. 关节镜联合胫骨内侧高位双平面截骨术治疗膝关节内侧骨关节炎的临床疗效[J]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版), 2022, 16(10): 930-935.

Hui Zhang, Zheng Pei, Keshi Zhang, Tengqi Li, Zhe Xue, Zhao Li, Junxiu Jia, Zhenpeng Guan. Clinical efficacy of arthroscopy combined with medial high tibial osteotomy for medial knee osteoarthritis[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition), 2022, 16(10): 930-935.










To retrospectively analyze the clinical efficacy of arthroscopy combined with medial high biplanar tibial osteotomy in the treatment of medial compartment knee osteoarthritis.


From August 2018 to January 2022, 28 patients (29 knees) with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis were successfully followed up under the concept of enhanced recovery after arthroscopic exploration combined with high medial tibial osteotomy at Shougang Hospital, Peking University, including 3 males (3 knees) and 25 females (26 knees). Their average age was (57.8±6.2) years (range, 45~71 years). The visual analogue scale (VAS), HSS knee score, Lysholm score, and knee range of motion (ROM) were used to evaluate the postoperative efficacy. Preoperative and postoperative standard anteroposterial-lateral radiographs were used to measure tibiofemoral angle (FTA) and medial proximal tibia angle (MPTA) to record the range of motion of the knee at 3 months after operation. The occurrence of complications was recorded. Paired t test was used for statistical analysis, and P<0.01 was considered statistically significant.


The patients were followed up for 8~48 months, with an average of (25.8±12.8) months. Arthroscopic examination revealed 29 knees combined with other injuries, including meniscus tear (29 knees), articular cartilage injury (29 knees), stenosis of intercondylar fossa (9 knees), cartilage free body (6 knees), etc. The varus deformity was effectively corrected after operation. VAS score [(6.28±0.649) vs (1.52±0.509)], HSS score [(62.34±4.125) vs (89.48±2.544)], Lysholm score [(57.17±3.855) vs (79.93±4.200)], FTA [(183.87±1.604)° vs (174.85±0.834)°], MPTA [(83.39±0.997)° vs (89.99±1.372)°], and the range of motion of the knee joint [(105±7.559)° vs (126.90±4.100)° were significantly improved 3 months after operation compared with those before operation (P<0.01). During the follow-up period, 1 case had wound infection 3 months after operation, and the wound healed after debridement and VSD treatment. No failure of internal fixation was observed, and no nonunion of osteotomy site was found.


Arthroscopic exploration combined with high tibial osteotomy can effectively correct the force line of the affected limb, relieve pain symptoms, and timely detect other structural injuries in the joint, as well as take intervention measures simultaneously representing a safe and effective method for the treatment of medial compartment knee osteoarthritis.

图1 患者治疗前后的X线片,治疗后大体像及治疗前后的关节镜下图像。图a为术前双膝关节负重正位X线片;图b为术前右膝关节侧位X线片;图c为术后右膝关节正位X线片;图d为术后右膝关节侧位X线片;图e为第一次关节镜探查外侧间室;图f为第一次关节镜探查内侧间室,可见软骨磨损,图中箭头所指位置;图g为“second look”可见外侧间室完好;图h为“second look”可见内侧间室新生的纤维软骨,图中箭头所指位置;图i为术前双下肢全长正位X线片,可见右膝关节内翻畸形;图j为术后双下肢全长正位X线片,可见右膝关节内翻畸形矫正;图k为术后膝关节伸直位,可见膝关节完全伸直;图l为术后膝关节屈曲位,可见膝关节屈曲功能良好
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