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中华临床医师杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (01) : 24 -29. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0785.2024.01.005


江起庭1,(), 姚翔1, 何兵1, 邱福平1, 程健1, 王斌1, 杨玲玲1   
  1. 1. 210048 南京,南京江北医院手足显微外科
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-17 出版日期:2024-01-15
  • 通信作者: 江起庭

Clinical application of bundling bone fragments with double figure-of-eight suture combined with double Kirschner wire in bony mallet finger

Qiting Jiang1,(), Xiang Yao1, Bing He1, Fuping Qiu1, Jian Cheng1, Bin Wang1, Lingling Yang1   

  1. 1. Department of Hand and Foot Microsurgery, Nanjing Jiangbei Hospital, Nanjiang 210048, China
  • Received:2023-11-17 Published:2024-01-15
  • Corresponding author: Qiting Jiang

江起庭, 姚翔, 何兵, 邱福平, 程健, 王斌, 杨玲玲. 双“8”字捆绑联合双克氏针在陈旧性骨性锤状指中的临床应用[J]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(01): 24-29.

Qiting Jiang, Xiang Yao, Bing He, Fuping Qiu, Jian Cheng, Bin Wang, Lingling Yang. Clinical application of bundling bone fragments with double figure-of-eight suture combined with double Kirschner wire in bony mallet finger[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(01): 24-29.






共纳入24例(24指),男性14例,女性10例,年龄16~54岁。根据Wehbe和Schneider分型:Ⅰ:a型5例,b型5例;Ⅱ:a型8例,b型4例;Ⅲ:a型1例,b型1例。受伤至手术时间21~64 d。切口一期愈合,无断针及脱针现象。骨折处均对位可愈合佳,锤状指畸形均完全矫正。24例患指术后获随访,随访时间为6.0~9.3个月。末次随访患指的远指间关节ROM为28.5°~39.2°[31.5°(31.1°,33.7°)],与对应健指的远指间关节ROM为30.6°~40.2°[31.8°(32.°1,35.2°)]比较无统计学意义(Z=-3.92,P=0.724);患指TAM为229.4°~238.5°[232.2°(230.8°,234.5°)]与对应健指的TAM为230.2°~241.3°[234.1°(233.5°,235.7°)],差异无统计学意义(Z=-1.84,P=0.314)。以TAM系统评定标准:优21例,良3例,优良率为100%。




To assess the clinical curative effect of bundling bone fragments with double figure-of-eight suture in bony mallet finger.


A retrospective analysis was performed on 24 patients (24 fingers) with chronic bony mallet finger who underwent surgery at the Department of Hand and Foot Microsurgery of Nanjing Jiangbei Hospital from June 2021 to May 2023. During the procedure, bundling bone fragment with double figure-of-eight suture was performed on the base of the distal phalanx. After removal of the Kirschner wire at postoperative 6 weeks, the flexion and extension of the affected finger were gradually strengthened, the range of motion (ROM) and the total active range of motion (TAM) of the finger were recorded. Finger function was evaluated according to the TAM system of the American Association of Hand Surgeons.


A total of 24 patients were enrolled, including 14 males and 10 females, and the age ranged from 16 to 54 years old. According to the Wehbe and Schneider classification, there were 5 cases of type Ia, 5 cases of type Ib, 8 cases of type IIa, 4 cases of type IIb, 1 cases of type Ⅲa, and 1 cases of type Ⅲb. The range of time from injury to operation was 21 days to 64 days. All incisions healed well, with no broken nail and no shedding nail. Mallet finger deformities were all corrected postoperatively, and all fractures healed well. All the 24 cases were followed, and the follow-up period was 6.0 to 9.3 months. At the last follow-up, the mean active ROM of the distal interphalangeal joint of the injured finger was 28.5°~39.2° [31.5° (31.1°, 33.7°)], and the mean active ROM of the distal interphalangeal joint of the healthy finger was 30.6°~40.2° [31.8° (32.°1, 35.2°)]. There was no significant difference in ROM between the injured finger and the healthy finger (Z=-3.92, P=0.724). The TAM of the injured finger was 229.4°~238.5° [232.2° (230.8°, 234.5°)], and that of the healthy finger was 230.2°~241.3° [234.1° (233.5°, 235.7°)]. There was no significant difference in TAM between the injured finger and the healthy finger (Z=-1.84, P=0.314). According to the evaluation criteria of the TAM system, 21 cases had excellent outcomes, and 3 had good outcomes, and the rate of excellent and good outcomes was 100%.


Satisfactory therapeutic outcomes for bony mallet finger deformity can be achieved by bundling bone fragment with double figure-of-eight suture, and it is an effective and practical method.

图1 双“8”字捆绑联合双克氏针治疗骨性锤状指示意图。图a为缝线双“8”字捆绑骨块联合双克氏针整体示意图;图b为局部放大示意图
图2 患者男,36岁,右小指扭伤后伴锤状指畸形22 d,行缝线双“8”字捆绑骨块联合双克氏针治疗。图a为右小指DIPJ伸直受限-25°,屈曲畸形;图b为术前X线示右小指末节指骨基底部有撕脱骨块;图c为术中见撕脱的骨块(黑箭头指示);图d为术中第一个“8”字捆绑骨块(黑箭头指示);图e为术中第二个“8”字捆绑骨块,形成双“8”字捆绑(黑箭头指示);图f为关闭切口;图g为术后X线侧位片显示右小指2枚克氏针针尾相钩,1枚克氏针过伸位10°穿过DIPJ固定,另1枚克氏针阻挡弹性加压骨块;图h为术后7.4个月右小指DIPJ主动伸直0°;图i为术后7.4个月右小指DIPJ主动活动度为31.5°及右小指TAM为232.2°;图j为术后7.4个月患侧指与健侧指在伸直度数方面比较无差别;图k为术后7.4个月患侧指与健侧指在屈曲度数方面比较也无差别,恢复正常工作及生活
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