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中华临床医师杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (02) : 178 -182. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0785.2024.02.011


孙琳1, 韩萍萍2, 张碧琳2, 张军霞1,()   
  1. 1. 510515 广州,南方医科大学第一临床医学院;430070 武汉,解放军中部战区总医院内分泌科
    2. 430070 武汉,解放军中部战区总医院内分泌科
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-12 出版日期:2024-02-15
  • 通信作者: 张军霞
  • 基金资助:

Serum levels of WISP1correlate with elevated serum uric acid in type 2 diabetic patients

Lin Sun1, Pingping Han2, Bilin Zhang2, Junxia Zhang1,()   

  1. 1. The First School of Clinical Medicine, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China;Department of Endocrinology, Central Theater Command General Hospital of the Chinese PLA, Wuhan 430070, China
    2. Department of Endocrinology, Central Theater Command General Hospital of the Chinese PLA, Wuhan 430070, China
  • Received:2023-12-12 Published:2024-02-15
  • Corresponding author: Junxia Zhang

孙琳, 韩萍萍, 张碧琳, 张军霞. 血清WISP1水平与2型糖尿病患者血尿酸升高的相关性[J/OL]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(02): 178-182.

Lin Sun, Pingping Han, Bilin Zhang, Junxia Zhang. Serum levels of WISP1correlate with elevated serum uric acid in type 2 diabetic patients[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(02): 178-182.










To investigate the correlation between serum Wnt1 induced signaling pathway protein 1 (WISP1) levels and serum uric acid (SUA) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).


A total of 146 T2DM patients were randomly recruited from the department of endocrinology of the authors' hospital. According to the median level of SUA, the patients were divided into either a high uric acid group or a low uric acid group. Height, weight, waist circumference, hip circumference, and visceral fat area were measured. The levels of SUA, hepatorenal function parameters, blood glucose, blood lipid, C-reactive protein (CRP), glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), and fasting C-peptide were detected. ELISA was used to measure the serum levels of WISP1.


The patients in the high uric acid group had higher serum WISP1 levels than those in the low uric acid group (P=0.004). Spearman correlation analysis showed that WISP1 was positively correlated with SUA (r=0.139, P=0.040), CRP (r=0.203, P=0.004), and HbA1c (r=0.185, P=0.006). Multiple stepwise regression analysis demonstrated that WISP1 independently contributed to elevated serum uric acid levels (β=0.220, P<0.001).


Serum WISP1 independently and positively correlates with elevated SUA in type 2 diabetic patients.

表1 2组临床资料及血指标的比较
项目 高尿酸组(n=73) 低尿酸组(n=73) t/χ2 P
男性/女性 59/14 39/34 12.415a 0.001
年龄(岁, 46.82±12.74 51.81±10.87 -3.018 0.003
病程[月,M(P25,P75)] 5(1,12) 6(1,36) -2.903 0.004
吸烟[例(%)] 27(36.99) 21(28.77) 1.119a 0.189
饮酒[例(%)] 10(13.69) 12(16.44) 0.214a 0.818
高血压[例(%)] 23(31.51) 24(32.88) 0.031a 1.000
高脂血症[例(%)] 19(26.03) 17(23.29) 0.147a 0.848
BMI(kg/m2 26.06±3.19 24.80±3.59 2.539 0.012
WC(cm, 91.17±10.31 85.47±10.09 3.913 <0.001
WHR( 0.92±0.06 0.89±0.07 2.602 0.01
VFA(cm2 112.48±38.13 100.62±40.19 2.094 0.037
SBP(mmHg, 125.81±14.74 120.60±16.47 2.281 0.024
DBP(mmHg, 79.93±10.21 77.60±9.76 1.639 0.103
SCr(μmol/L, 62.93±17.13 55.23±13.76 3.590 <0.001
SUA[μmol/L,M(P25,P75)] 368.00(333.00,434.00) 249.00(202.75,273.00) 13.345 <0.001
CRP[mg/L,M(P25,P75)] 1.75(1.02,3.89) 1.21(0.68,2.75) 1.361 0.178
TG[mmol/L,M(P25,P75)] 2.20(1.45,3.82) 1.50(1.05,2.43) 3.356 0.001
TC(mmol/L, 5.05±1.19 4.89±1.24 0.888 0.375
LDL-C(mmol/L, 2.75±0.76 2.80±0.84 -0.141 0.888
HDL-C(mmol/L, 1.26±0.53 1.22±0.26 0.698 0.486
FBG(mmol/L, 9.33±3.39 9.06±4.05 0.487 0.627
HbA1c(%, 13.51±5.75 13.81±6.98 -0.319 0.750
FCP[nmol/L,M(P25,P75)] 0.72(0.52,0.91) 0.65(0.35,0.87) 1.765 0.080
HOMA2-IR[M(P25,P75)] 1.92(1.46,2.39) 1.75(1.36,2.43) 1.164 0.247
WISP1[pg/ml,M(P25,P75)] 52.49(38.25,76.57) 49.89(37.44,67.11) 2.939 0.004
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