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中华临床医师杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (09) : 795 -801. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0785.2024.09.001


倪颖1, 张铁龙1, 王岗1, 高玉龙1, 陈韶鹏1, 倪家璇2,()   
  1. 1.224700 江苏盐城,扬州大学建湖临床医学院泌尿外科
    2.225001 江苏扬州,扬州大学附属苏北人民医院泌尿外科
  • 收稿日期:2024-07-25 出版日期:2024-09-15
  • 通信作者: 倪家璇
  • 基金资助:

Difficulties and countermeasures in retrograde ureteroscopy for proximal ureteral calculi without a pre-set stent

Ying Ni1, Tielong Zhang1, Gang Wang1, Yulong Gao1, Shaopeng Chen1, Jiaxuan Ni2,()   

  1. 1.Department of Urology, Jianhu Clinical Medical College of Yangzhou University, Yancheng 224700, China
    2.Department of Urology, Northern Jiangsu People's Hospital Affiliated to Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225001, China
  • Received:2024-07-25 Published:2024-09-15
  • Corresponding author: Jiaxuan Ni

倪颖, 张铁龙, 王岗, 高玉龙, 陈韶鹏, 倪家璇. 未预置支架逆行输尿管镜治疗近端输尿管结石手术中的困难与应对[J/OL]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(09): 795-801.

Ying Ni, Tielong Zhang, Gang Wang, Yulong Gao, Shaopeng Chen, Jiaxuan Ni. Difficulties and countermeasures in retrograde ureteroscopy for proximal ureteral calculi without a pre-set stent[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(09): 795-801.




针对半刚性输尿管镜(sURS)手术中可能会遇到的困难制定了一个应对路径,对2022 年~2023 年间符合入组标准并按路径执行的患者资料进行回顾,共148 例(156 侧)。


148 例患者中Ⅰ期完成治疗143 例(96.6%),Ⅱ期治疗5 例(3.4%),2 例(1.4%)术后24 h 有发热,无脓毒症病例,无Traxer 4 级输尿管损伤病例,随访6~12 个月,无肾积水病例。本研究报告未预置支架近端输尿管结石患者初次使用8/9.8 Fr sURS 进入成功率为73.7%,同轴扩张后进入成功率提高到82.1%,即使改用4.5/6.5 Fr sURS 仍会因上行困难而无法接触到结石,发生率9.6%。




To improve the treatment success rate of retrograde ureteroscopy in patients with proximal ureteral stones without a preset stent during a single hospitalization.


A coping path was developed for the difficulties encountered in semi-rigid ureteroscopy (sURS) surgery, and the data of 148 patients (156 sides) with proximal ureteral calculi who met the inclusion criteria and underwent the surgery according to the coping path between 2022 and 2023 were reviewed.


Of the 148 patients included,143 (96.6%) completed the first stage treatment and 5 (3.4%) completed the second stage treatment. Two(1.4%) patients had fever 24 hours after operation, but there was no sepsis or Traxer grade 4 ureteral injury.No hydronephrosis was observed during a follow-up period of 6 to 12 months. In this study, patients with proximal ureteral stones without a preset stent had a 73.7% success rate of initial 8/9.8 Fr sURS placement.This rate improved to 82.1% after coaxial dilatation. Switching to ultrafine (4.5/6.5 Fr) sURS still prevented access to stones due to difficulty in ascending in 9.6% of cases.


With the awareness of multilink "ureteral mucosal protection", the path to cope with difficult ureteral calculi through a combination of techniques is effective and safe, and can help complete the treatment of patients within a single hospitalization to the greatest extent.

图1 148 例未预置支架输尿管镜治疗近端输尿管结石手术中的困难与应对路径 注:sURS 为半刚性输尿管镜;UAS 为输尿管通道鞘;fURS 为软性输尿管镜;LUL 为腹腔镜下输尿管切开取石术;PCNL 为经皮肾镜取石术;OP 为开放手术
图2 输尿管镜手术中与器械相关的输尿管损伤图像。图a 为8/9.8 Fr 半刚性输尿管镜进入输尿管,见黏膜苍白,管腔狭小;图b 为改4.5/6.5 Fr 输尿管镜后黏膜血供改善;图c 为NTrap®嵌顿导致的输尿管损伤,Traxer 1 级;图d 取石钳嵌顿导致的输尿管损伤,Traxer 2 级;图e 放置输尿管通道鞘导致的损伤,Traxer 2 级
图3 一例钬激光导致的输尿管穿孔及处置图像。图a 为Ⅰ期手术中发现钬激光导致输尿管穿孔,Traxer 3 级,放支架后中止手术;图b 为留置支架1 个月Ⅱ期治疗,原穿孔已闭合;图c 为妥善处置结石,钳取干净;图d 为结石清除后局部息肉样病变的基底面≥2/3 管径,放两根4.7 Fr 支架后结束治疗
图4 输尿管道鞘的放置位置与放置要求示意图。图a 为输尿管通道鞘未能越过髂血管;图b 为输尿管通道鞘进入近端输尿管内目标结石下方;图c 为放置输尿管通道鞘以及使用通道鞘内芯同轴扩张时需确认导丝伸出内芯前端的状态;图d 为使用输尿管通道鞘内芯与导丝同轴扩张时,内芯发生弯曲作为扩张力度把握的标准
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