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中华临床医师杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (09) : 826 -835. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0785.2024.09.005


术前化疗对CRS+HIPEC 治疗腹膜假黏液瘤预后影响的meta 分析
张颖1,2, 赵鑫3, 陈佳梅4, 李雁2,5,()   
  1. 1.102600 北京,首都医科大学大兴教学医院肿瘤科
    2.100038 北京,首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院腹膜肿瘤外科
    3.100120 北京,北京市肛肠医院结直肠外科
    4.43006 武汉,武汉大学人民医院肿瘤中心
    5.102218 北京,清华大学附属北京清华长庚医院
  • 收稿日期:2024-08-01 出版日期:2024-09-15
  • 通信作者: 李雁
  • 基金资助:

Impact of preoperative chemotherapy on prognosis of pseudomyxoma peritonei treated by cytoreductive surgery plus hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy:a meta-analysis

Ying Zhang1,2, Xin Zhao3, Jiamei Chen4, Yan Li2,5,()   

  1. 1.Department of Oncology, Daxing Teaching Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 102600, China
    2.Department of Peritoneal Cancer Surgery, Beijing Shijitan Hospital,Capital Medical University, Beijing 100038, China
    3.Department of Colorectal Surgery, Beijing Anorectal Hospital, Beijing 100120, China
    4.Center of Oncology, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060,China
    5.Department of Surgical Oncology, Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital, Tsinghua University,Beijing 102218, China
  • Received:2024-08-01 Published:2024-09-15
  • Corresponding author: Yan Li

张颖, 赵鑫, 陈佳梅, 李雁. 术前化疗对CRS+HIPEC 治疗腹膜假黏液瘤预后影响的meta 分析[J/OL]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(09): 826-835.

Ying Zhang, Xin Zhao, Jiamei Chen, Yan Li. Impact of preoperative chemotherapy on prognosis of pseudomyxoma peritonei treated by cytoreductive surgery plus hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy:a meta-analysis[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(09): 826-835.




检索 PubMed、Embase、Cochrane 图书馆、中国学术期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、万方数据库,筛选关于术前化疗对CRS+HIPEC 治疗PMP 患者预后影响的队列研究。根据纳入及排除标准筛选文献,进行质量评价和数据提取,使用RevMan5.4 和Stata15.1软件进行统计分析,结局指标为总生存期(OS),无进展生存期(PFS)和无疾病生存期(DFS)。


17 篇文献被纳入meta 分析,14 篇文献报道了术前化疗对OS 的影响,meta 分析结果显示,术前化疗组总体OS 较非化疗组短(HR=1.58,P<0.001)。分层分析显示,高级别和高级别伴印戒细胞的病理类型患者,术前化疗组OS 短于非术前化疗组(HR=1.62,P<0.001)。高加索人种给予术前化疗,OS 短于非化疗组(HR=1.65,P<0.001),而亚洲人种中差异无统计学意义。7 篇文献报道了术前化疗对PFS 的影响,结果显示,术前化疗组总体PFS 时间较非化疗组短(HR=1.62,P<0.001),分层分析显示,高级别和高级别伴印戒细胞的病理类型患者,术前化疗组较非化疗组PFS 有下降趋势,但差异无统计学意义(HR=1.24,P=0.31),亚洲人种及高加索人种术前化疗组PFS 均下降(HR=1.53 和1.71,P=0.003 和0.0002)。敏感性分析及发表偏倚检验均提示结果稳定。


对于CRS+HIPEC 治疗的PMP 患者,给与术前化疗无OS 和PFS 获益,但因纳入文献均为回顾性研究,对基线资料、病理类型、化疗方案等可能的重要影响因素并未做更详细的区分,故仍需更严谨的前瞻性研究进一步验证。


To investigate the impact of preoperative chemotherapy on the prognosis of pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) treated by cytoreductive surgery (CRS) plus hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC).


A literature search was conducted on cohort studies on the effects of preoperative chemotherapy on the prognosis of PMP from PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, CNKI,and Wanfang Database. The literature was screened according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and quality evaluation and data extraction were carried out. RevMan5.4 and Stata15.1 software were used for statistical analyses. The outcome indicators were overall survival (OS), progression-free survival, and disease-free survival (DFS).


Seventeen articles were included in the meta-analysis. Fourteen articles reported the impact of preoperative chemotherapy on OS. The results of meta-analysis showed that the OS of the preoperative chemotherapy group was shorter than that of the non-preoperative chemotherapy group(hazard ratio [HR]=1.58, P<0.00001). Stratified analysis showed that in patients with pathological types of high-grade tumors and high-grade tumors with signet ring cells, the OS of the preoperative chemotherapy group was shorter than that of the non-preoperative chemotherapy group (HR=1.62, P<0.00001). The OS of the preoperative chemotherapy group in Caucasian race was shorter than the non-chemotherapy group in Caucasian race (HR=1.65, P<0.001), but there was no statistically significant difference in the Asian race.Seven articles reported the impact of preoperative chemotherapy on PFS. The results showed that the PFS of the preoperative chemotherapy group was shorter than that of the non-chemotherapeutic group (HR=1.62,P<0.001). Stratified analysis showed that in patients with pathological types of high-grade tumors and highgrade tumors with signet ring cells, the PFS of the preoperative chemotherapy group was lower than that of the non-chemotherapeutic group, but the difference was not statistically significant (HR=1.24, P=0.31). In both Asian and Caucasian races, the PFS of preoperative chemotherapy group was declined (HR=1.53 and 1.71,P=0.003 and 0.0002, respectively). Sensitivity analysis and publication bias test both suggested stable results.


Preoperative chemotherapy has no OS and PFS benefit for PMP patients receiving CRS + HIPEC treatment. Because all the included studies are retrospective, and the possible important confounding factors such as baseline information, pathological types, and chemotherapy regimens had not been investigated in more detail, more stringent prospective studies are warranted for further verification.

图1 文献检索流程及结果 注:*所检索的数据库及检出文献数包括PubMed(n=713)、EMbase(n=961)、The Cochrane Library(n=19)、CNKI(n=83)、WanFang Database(n=97)
表1 纳入17 项文献基本特征
作者 年份 国家 样本量(术前化疗,有/无) 中位年龄(范围) 术前化疗时间 病理类型 化疗方案 结局指标
Deraco 2006 意大利 20/55 57(24~76) / DPAM/PMCA / OS,PFS
Baratti 2009 意大利 22/80 53.5(24~76) / DPAM/PMCA FOLFOX/FOLFIRI/5-FU/卡铂+紫杉醇/奥沙利铂+吉西他滨/其他含铂方案 OS,PFS
Vaira 2009 意大利 22/31 58(32~72) / 阑尾腺癌 / OS
Bijelic 2012 美国 34/24 50.7 6周期 PMCA FOLFOX/XELOX贝伐单抗 OS
Turner 2013 美国 26/45 55(40~85) 3周期及以上 高级别阑尾腺癌 FOLFOX/FORFIRI/FOLFOX+贝伐单抗 OS
Kusamura 2013 意大利 37/119 53.5 / DPAM/PMCA/PMCA-ID PFS
Blackham 2014 美国 37/39 / 4(1.5~16)个月 高级别腹膜阑尾黏液癌 FOLFOX/FORFIRI/联合西妥昔单抗或贝伐单抗 OS,PFS
Milovanov 2015 美国 30/42 54(26~79) 3~8个周期 PMCA FOLFOX/XELOX/FORFIRI OS
Votanopoulos 2015 美国 / 53(20~87) / 高级别阑尾癌腹膜转移 / OS
Kusamura 2015 意大利 54/171 54.0±13.1 / DPAM/PMCA/PMCA-ID / OS
Delhorme 2018 法国 107/198 / / 低级别/高级别/未知PMP / OS,DFS
Munoz 2019 美国 74/77 / / HGCMP、HGCMP-S / PFS,OS
Masckauchan 2019 加拿大 / 52(33~70) 3~6个月 DPAM/PMCA/PMCA-I 5-FU为基础的方案 DFS
Sinukumar 2019 印度 31/60 53 / 低/高/高级别伴印戒细胞 / PFS
Soucisse 2021 加拿大 43/160 / / DPAM/PMCA / OS
Garach 2021 印度 84/231 / / AnMN/AC/LG-AMN/HG-AMN/SRC AMN / OS,PFS
Zhang 2022 中国 55/39 54(24~76) / 低/高/高级别伴印戒细胞 / OS
续表2 17 项文献Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) 质量评分
图2 病理分层分析术前化疗对PMP 患者OS 的影响 注:PMP 为腹膜假黏液瘤;OS 为总生存期
图3 人种分层分析术前化疗对PMP 患者OS 的影响 注:PMP 为腹膜假黏液瘤;OS 为总生存期
图4 病理分层分析术前化疗对PMP 患者PFS 的影响 注:PMP 为腹膜假黏液瘤;PFS 为无进展生存期
图5 人种分层分析术前化疗对PMP 患者PFS 的影响 注:PMP 为腹膜假黏液瘤;PFS 为无进展生存期
图6 术前化疗对PMP 患者DFS 的影响 注:PMP 为腹膜假黏液瘤;DFS 为无疾病生存期
图7 敏感性分析。图a 为OS 敏感性分析;图b 为PFS 敏感性分析
图8 发表偏倚分析。图a 为OS Egger 检验;图b 为OS 剪补法漏斗图;图c 为PFS Egger 检验;图d 为PFS 剪补法漏斗图
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