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中华临床医师杂志(电子版) ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (11) : 828 -832. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0785.2021.11.006


张玉辉1, 顾国利2,(), 张智2, 王绪宁3, 杨海瑞2, 于鹏飞2, 董志伟2   
  1. 1. 075000 河北张家口,河北北方学院研究生院;100142 北京,空军特色医学中心普通外科
    2. 100142 北京,空军特色医学中心普通外科
    3. 110000 沈阳,北部战区空军医院普通外科
  • 收稿日期:2021-08-05 出版日期:2021-11-15
  • 通信作者: 顾国利
  • 基金资助:

Prognostic factors for radical surgery in elderly patients with colorectal cancer

Yuhui Zhang1, Guoli Gu2,(), Zhi Zhang2, Xuning Wang3, Hairui Yang2, Pengfei Yu2, Zhiwei Dong2   

  1. 1. Graduate School of Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou 075000, China; Department of General Surgery, Air Force Medical Center, Beijing 100142, China
    2. Department of General Surgery, Air Force Medical Center, Beijing 100142, China
    3. Department of General Surgery, the Air Force Hospital of PLA Northern Theater, Shenyang 110000, China
  • Received:2021-08-05 Published:2021-11-15
  • Corresponding author: Guoli Gu

张玉辉, 顾国利, 张智, 王绪宁, 杨海瑞, 于鹏飞, 董志伟. 高龄结直肠癌患者根治手术预后因素的临床分析[J/OL]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版), 2021, 15(11): 828-832.

Yuhui Zhang, Guoli Gu, Zhi Zhang, Xuning Wang, Hairui Yang, Pengfei Yu, Zhiwei Dong. Prognostic factors for radical surgery in elderly patients with colorectal cancer[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition), 2021, 15(11): 828-832.










To identify the factors affecting the prognosis of elderly patients with colorectal cancer (CRC), so as to provide theoretical reference for clinical decision-making.


The clinicopathological data of 48 elder patients age ≥80 years old with CRC who underwent surgery at the General Surgery Department of the Air Force Medical Center from January 2014 to December 2020 were collected. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression analyses were performed to identify the risk factors that may affect the surgical prognosis of elderly CRC patients, explore their role and significance in evaluating the surgical prognosis of elderly CRC patients, and evaluate their clinical value in predicting the prognosis by drawing the ROC curve and calculating the area under the curve (AUC).


A total of 48 elder patients with CRC were included in the study. Up to August 1, 2021, the median follow-up time was 36.46 months, the follow-up rate was 100%, and the case fatality rate was 41.67%. Univariate Cox regression analysis showed that preoperative fibrinogen to albumin ratio (FAR; P=0.041), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA; P=0.023), intravascular tumor thrombus (P=0.039), and length of stay in ICU (P=0.009) were risk factors affecting the prognosis of elderly CRC patients. Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that preoperative FAR (P=0.003), CEA (P=0.022), cancer nodule (P=0.035), and length of stay in ICU (P=0.013) were independent risk factors for the prognosis of elderly CRC patients. ROC curve analysis showed that the AUC of FAR combined with CEA (AUC=0.793) was better than the AUC of FAR (0.731) or CEA (0.666).


Preoperative FAR, CEA, cancer nodule, and length of stay in ICU are independent risk factors for surgical prognosis of elderly CRC patients. Combined detection of FAR and CEA can more effectively evaluate the surgical prognosis of elderly CRC patients.

表1 高龄结直肠癌患者手术预后影响因素的单因素Cox回归分析
表2 高龄结直肠癌患者手术预后影响因素的多因素Cox回归分析
图1 依据术前血浆纤维蛋白原/白蛋白比值(FAR)分组的高龄结直肠癌患者预后情况
图2 术前血浆纤维蛋白原/白蛋白比值(FAR)联合癌胚抗原(CEA)对高龄结直肠癌患者手术预后的评价
表3 术前FAR联合CEA预测高龄结直肠癌患者手术预后情况
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