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中华临床医师杂志(电子版) ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (11) : 833 -841. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0785.2021.11.007


胡旭华1, 于淼2, 柳鹏辉3, 张建锋1, 李保坤1, 王晓然1, 郭甘霖1, 于滨1, 张振亚1, 王贵英4,()   
  1. 1. 050001 石家庄,河北医科大学第四医院外二科
    2. 050017 石家庄,河北医科大学基础医学院
    3. 050001 石家庄,河北医科大学第四医院外二科;056001 河北邯郸,邯郸市第一医院肛肠外科
    4. 050001 石家庄,河北医科大学第四医院外二科;050011 石家庄,河北医科大学第三医院胃肠外科
  • 收稿日期:2021-08-01 出版日期:2021-11-15
  • 通信作者: 王贵英
  • 基金资助:
    河北省医学科学研究课题计划(20210029); 河北省自然科学基金精准医学联合项目(H20206485); 希思科-赛生肿瘤研究基金项目(Y-2020Sciclone/qn-0064)

Analysis of clinicopathological characteristics and survival of simultaneous multiple primary colorectal cancer

Xuhua Hu1, Miao Yu2, Penghui Liu3, Jianfeng Zhang1, Baokun Li1, Xiaoran Wang1, Ganlin Guo1, Bin Yu1, Zhenya Zhang1, Guiying Wang4,()   

  1. 1. The 2nd Department of Surgery, the Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050001, China
    2. Basic Medical College, Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050017, China
    3. The 2nd Department of Surgery, the Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050001, China; Department of Anorectal Surgery, Handan First Hospital, Handan 056001, China
    4. The 2nd Department of Surgery, the Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050001, China; Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, the Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050011, China
  • Received:2021-08-01 Published:2021-11-15
  • Corresponding author: Guiying Wang

胡旭华, 于淼, 柳鹏辉, 张建锋, 李保坤, 王晓然, 郭甘霖, 于滨, 张振亚, 王贵英. 同时性多原发结直肠癌临床病理特征及生存分析[J/OL]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版), 2021, 15(11): 833-841.

Xuhua Hu, Miao Yu, Penghui Liu, Jianfeng Zhang, Baokun Li, Xiaoran Wang, Ganlin Guo, Bin Yu, Zhenya Zhang, Guiying Wang. Analysis of clinicopathological characteristics and survival of simultaneous multiple primary colorectal cancer[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition), 2021, 15(11): 833-841.








sCRC患者多为男性,合并腺瘤、低蛋白血症、贫血、未完成结肠镜检查,MSI比例高,肿瘤常位于右半结肠。sCRC患者OS和PFS与单原发患者无差别,合并腺瘤、TNM 0~Ⅱ期及Ⅳ期的sCRC患者PFS可能更差。


To investigate the clinicopathological features and long-term survival prognosis of synchronous colorectal carcinoma (sCRC).


This is a single center retrospective, case-control study to screen the retrospective data cohort of colorectal cancer (CRC) at the Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University from January 2017 to December 2019. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 79 patients with multiple primary CRC and 158 patients with single primary CRC were randomly matched at 1∶2 in this cohort. General data, surgical information, complications, lesion distribution, pathological data, and molecular markers were compared between the two groups to screen the characteristic variables of sCRC. The survival outcomes (overall survival [OS] and progression-free survival [PFS]) were recorded and compared between the two groups. Subgroup analysis was also performed.


(1) In the multiple primary CRC group, the percentages of patients with adenoma (χ2=22.937, P<0.001), male patients (χ2=6.722, P=0.010), and those with hypoproteinemia (χ2=10.621, P=0.001), anemia (χ2=13.709, P<0.001), incomplete colonoscopy (χ2=12.253, P<0.001), and microsatellite instability (MSI) (χ2=14.719, P=0.001) were higher than those in the single primary CRC group. There were no significant differences in gender, age, BMI, family history, CEA, operation mode, anastomotic leakage, intestinal obstruction, TNM stage, lymph node metastasis, vascular tumor thrombus, nerve invasion, KRAS status or BRAF status between the two groups (P>0.05). (2) There were 68 cases with double lesions, 10 with three lesions, 1 with four lesions in sCRC, including 50 lesions in the right colon (29.41%) and 120 lesions in the left colon (70.59%). Compared with the single primary CRC group (17.72% of lesions in the right colon and 82.28% in the left colon), the proportion of lesions in the right colon in the multiple primary CRC group was significantly higher in the multiple primary CRC group (χ2=6.174, P=0.013). (3) The median follow-up time was 23.1 months, with 7 cases (2.95%) lost to follow-up. The 1-, 2-, and 3-year survival rates were 96.0%, 90.6%, and 87.5% in the multiple primary CRC group, and 94.6%, 87.5%, and 84.6% in the single primary CRC group; there was no significant difference between the two groups (P=0.76). The PFS interval was 0-44.5 months, with an average of 20.6 months. There was no significant difference in PFS between the two groups (P=0.14). (4) Subgroup analysis showed that there was no significant difference in OS among subgroups (P>0.05). In the multiple primary CRC group, PFS in the multiple adenoma subgroup (hazard ratio [HR]=0.34, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.12-0.96, P=0.042), stages 0-Ⅱ subgroup (HR=0.20, 95%CI: 0.05-0.76, P=0.019), and stage Ⅳ subgroup (HR=0.15, 95%CI: 0.04-0.66, P=0.012) were worse than that of the single primary CRC group.


sCRC is characterized by adenoma, hypoproteinemia, anemia, male predisposition, high proportion of incomplete colonoscopy, and high proportion of MSI. The tumor is often located in the right colon. There is no difference in OS and PFS between sCRC and single primary CRC, but PFS may be worse in sCRC patients with multiples adenoma and stage 0-Ⅱ and stage Ⅳ disease.

表1 2组结直肠癌患者一般临床特征比较
表2 2组结直肠癌患者手术方式、并发症及病灶位置比较
表3 2组结直肠癌患者病理结局及分子标志物状态比较[例(%)]
图1 2组结直肠癌患者总生存率和无进展生存率Kaplan-Meier曲线比较。图a为2组患者总生存率曲线及删失值情况;图b为2组患者无进展生存率曲线及删失值情况注:CRC为结直肠癌;synchronous CRC为多原发结直肠癌组;solitary CRC为单原发结直肠癌组
表4 2组结直肠癌患者OS和PFS亚组分析
项目 例数 OS PFS
HR值(95%CI Pa HR值(95%CI Pa


86 0.57(0.14,2.43) 0.452 0.52(0.18,1.48) 0.220


144 1.66(0.54,5.09) 0.377 0.73(0.35,1.52) 0.400

150 1.68(0.61,4.64) 0.315 0.73(0.36,1.49) 0.385

80 0.42(0.07,2.52) 0.341 0.53(0.18,1.58) 0.253

123 1.55(0.35,6.77) 0.563 0.73(0.29,1.81) 0.493

107 0.52(0.12,2.17) 0.367 0.34(0.12,0.96) 0.042
CEA≥5 ng/L

126 0.95(0.25,3.70) 0.944 0.47(0.21,1.08) 0.077

104 1.32(0.42,4.16) 0.637 0.90(0.38,2.15) 0.809

153 1.28(0.36,4.49) 0.701 0.86(0.36,2.02) 0.725

77 0.93(0.23,3.73) 0.922 0.38(0.13,1.10) 0.075
白蛋白<35 g/L

159 1.32(0.37,4.64) 0.669 0.71(0.33,1.56) 0.396

71 1.11(0.30,4.16) 0.873 0.51(0.18,1.44) 0.201

63 1.00(0.20,4.95) 0.999 0.92(0.37,2.33) 0.867

167 1.17(0.39,3.54) 0.780 0.61(0.27,1.37) 0.232


135 0.14(0.01,1.37) 0.091 0.20(0.05,0.76) 0.019


79 1.41(0.39,5.10) 0.599 1.30(0.52,3.28) 0.572


16 2.62(0.31,21.83 0.374 0.15(0.04,0.66) 0.012

195 0.84(0.26,2.74) 0.771 0.56(0.28,1.15) 0.116

23 1.97(0.38,10.14 0.420 3.16(0.35,28.34) 0.304


12 2.26(0.25,20.51 0.468 0.37(0.08,1.68) 0.197

153 0.44(0.11,1.77) 0.246 0.59(0.24,1.43) 0.242

65 1.93(0.42,8.81) 0.398 0.90(0.32,2.52) 0.835


12 2.26(0.25,20.51) 0.468 0.37(0.08,1.68) 0.197
图2 2组结直肠癌患者不同亚组无进展生存(PFS)率Kaplan-Meier曲线比较。图a为合并腺瘤亚组PFS曲线(P=0.033);图b为TNM 0~Ⅱ期亚组PFS曲线(P=0.004);图c为TNM Ⅳ期亚组PFS曲线(P=0.008)注:P值经Log-Rank检验获得;synchronous CRC为多原发结直肠癌组;solitary CRC为单原发结直肠癌组
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