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中华临床医师杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (06) : 533 -540. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0785.2024.06.003


闫维1, 张二明1, 张克1, 安欣华2, 向平超1,()   
  1. 1. 100144 北京,北京大学首钢医院呼吸与危重症医学科
    2. 100043 北京,北京市石景山区疾病预防控制中心
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-01 出版日期:2024-06-15
  • 通信作者: 向平超

Heterogeneity of early chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and its influencing factors among residents aged 40 years or above in Shijingshan district of Beijing

Wei Yan1, Erming Zhang1, Ke Zhang1, Xinhua An2, Pingchao Xiang1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Peking University Shougang Hospital, Beijing 100144, China
    2. Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Shijingshan District, Beijing 100043, China
  • Received:2024-04-01 Published:2024-06-15
  • Corresponding author: Pingchao Xiang

闫维, 张二明, 张克, 安欣华, 向平超. 北京市石景山区40岁及以上居民早期慢性阻塞性肺疾病异质性及影响因素分析[J]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(06): 533-540.

Wei Yan, Erming Zhang, Ke Zhang, Xinhua An, Pingchao Xiang. Heterogeneity of early chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and its influencing factors among residents aged 40 years or above in Shijingshan district of Beijing[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(06): 533-540.




对2019年石景山区COPD筛查项目的4096例数据进行回顾性分析,符合判定标准的PRISm患者377例,pre-COPD患者349例,mild COPD患者199例,对上述3种早期COPD的患病率、流行病学和临床特征及影响因素进行分析。


PRISm、pre-COPD和mild COPD在总体人群中的患病率分别为9.2%(95%CI:8.3~10.1)、8.5%(7.7~9.4)和4.9%(4.2~5.5)。PRISm和pre-COPD患者在很大程度上受到个体既定因素的影响,而mild COPD患者更多的暴露于有害气体、颗粒物或感染等环境因素。和对照组相比,3种早期COPD均表现出更为严重的症状负担,且均有超过50%的人群合并SAD。总体而言,不同性别、BMI水平与3种早期COPD的发病有关,而且年龄越大、受教育程度越低、经济收入越低、吸烟史、累积吸烟量越多、被动烟草暴露、幼时支气管炎或肺炎病史、有呼吸系统疾病家族史、合并冠心病是3种早期COPD发病的共同相关因素。此外,仅有22.2%的研究对象进行过肺功能检查,仅36.4%曾经听说过COPD,仅有不足4%的研究对象曾被医生诊断为COPD。




To investigate the heterogeneity of early chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and its influencing factors among residents aged 40 years old or above in Shijingshan district of Beijing.


Data of 4096 people from the 2019 Shijingshan COPD screening program were retrospectively analyzed, of which 377 had preserved ratio impaired spirometry (PRISm), 349 had pre-COPD, and 199 had mild COPD. The prevalence, epidemiological and clinical features, and influencing factors of the three types of early COPD conditions were analyzed.


The prevalence of PRISm, pre-COPD, and mild COPD in the general population was 9.2% (95% confidence interval: 8.3~10.1), 8.5% (7.7~9.4), and 4.9% (4.2~5.5), respectively. PRISm and pre-COPD patients were more often influenced by established personal factors. In contrast, patients with mild COPD were more often exposed to environmental factors such as harmful gases, particulate matter, or infections. All three early COPD conditions showed a more severe symptom burden compared to controls, and more than 50% of patients with each of the three early COPD conditions had small airway dysfunction. Overall, gender and body mass index were associated with the development of the three early COPD conditions; older age, lower education level, lower economic income, smoking history, more cumulative cigarette exposure, passive smoke exposure, history of bronchitis or pneumonia in childhood, parental history of respiratory diseases, and being comorbid with cardiovascular disease were all associated with increased presence of the three early COPD conditions. Besides, only 22.2% of the participants had ever underwent pulmonary function test, only 36.4% knew COPD, and less than 4% had ever been diagnosed with COPD previously.


Significant heterogeneity exists in the prevalence, epidemiological and clinical features, and influencing factors of early COPD conditions among residents aged 40 years old or above in Shijingshan district of Beijing. However, the relevant studies are obviously insufficient, and further studies based on large samples and standardized populations are still needed to provide a theoretical basis for early prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of early COPD.

表1 抽样方法
表2 3种早期COPD流行病学和临床特征的异质性
项目 PRISm(n=377) pre-COPD(n=349) mild COPD(n=199) 对照组(n=2786)
男性 211(56.0) 126(36.1) 120(60.3) 1207(43.3)
女性 166(44.0) 223(63.9) 79(39.7) 1579(56.7)
年龄(岁, 64.50±13.31 61.30±9.86 63.52±10.45 60.32±10.79
BMI(kg/m2 25.43±3.57 25.72±3.43 24.74±3.14 25.16±3.23
小学及以下 60(15.9) 30(8.6) 18(9.0) 205(7.4)
初中及高中 217(57.6) 236(67.6) 131(65.8) 1834(65.8)
大学及以上 100(26.5) 83(23.8) 50(25.1) 747(26.8)
<3500 105(27.9) 133(38.1) 62(31.2) 811(29.1)
3500~5000 146(38.7) 133(38.1) 82(41.2) 1074(38.5)
≥5000 126(33.4) 83(23.8) 55(27.6) 901(32.3)
从不吸烟 245(65.0) 237(67.9) 95(47.7) 1922(69.0)
曾经吸烟 46(12.2) 33(9.5) 48(24.1) 272(9.8)
目前仍然吸烟 86(22.8) 79(22.6) 56(28.1) 592(21.2)
0 248(65.8) 238(68.2) 102(51.3) 1950(70)
1~9 28(7.4) 19(5.4) 22(11.1) 214(7.7)
10~19 29(7.7) 23(6.6) 12(6.0) 193(6.9)
≥20 72(19.1) 69(19.8) 63(31.7) 429(15.4)
被动烟草暴露[例(%)] 204(54.1) 248(71.1) 131(65.8) 1688(60.6)
接触油烟 302(80.1) 312(89.4) 172(86.4) 2394(85.9)
使用煤燃料 67(17.8) 50(14.3) 33(16.6) 408(14.6)
职业暴露 82(21.8) 114(32.7) 71(35.7) 684(24.6)
早产儿 4(1.1) 5(1.4) 1(0.5) 22(0.8)
幼时支气管炎或肺炎病史 23(6.1) 49(14.0) 31(15.6) 197(7.1)
幼时慢性咳嗽 18(4.8) 34(9.7) 22(11.1) 124(4.5)
呼吸系统疾病家族史 52(13.8) 87(24.9) 45(22.6) 366(13.1)
咳嗽 23(6.1) 28(8.0) 12(6.0) 86(3.1)
咳痰 21(5.6) 19(5.4) 7(3.5) 70(2.5)
喘息 102(27.1) 313(89.7) 110(55.3) 824(29.6)
呼吸困难 65(17.2) 166(47.6) 71(35.7) 420(15.1)
冠心病 71(18.8) 80(22.9) 32(16.1) 398(14.3)
高血压 171(45.4) 138(39.5) 79(39.7) 1016(36.5)
糖尿病 85(22.5) 76(21.8) 32(16.1) 489(17.6)
肺结核 10(2.7) 18(5.2) 7(3.5) 72(2.6)
合并SAD 209(55.4) 349(100) 181(91.0) 539(19.3)
以前做过肺功能 74(19.6) 101(28.9) 65(32.7) 597(21.4)
以前听说过COPD 124(32.9) 142(40.7) 85(42.7) 1003(36.0)
以前曾诊断为COPD 11(2.9) 6(1.7) 11(5.5) 43(1.5)
表3 3种早期COPD的患病率情况[%(95%CI)]
表4 3种早期COPD的潜在影响因素分析
项目 PRISm vs 对照组 pre-COPD vs 对照组 mild COPD vs 对照组 P
OR值(95%CI) P OR值(95%CI) P OR值(95%CI) P
性别 <0.001
男性 1.96(1.45~2.65) <0.001 0.60(0.41~0.86) 0.006 1.43(0.91~2.24) 0.120
女性 ref. ref. ref. ref. ref. ref.
年龄(岁) 1.03(1.02~1.04) <0.001 1.01(0.99~1.02) 0.405 1.03(1.01~1.05) <0.001 <0.001
BMI(kg/m2 1.03(0.99~1.06) 0.132 1.05(1.02~1.09) 0.004 0.95(0.91~1.00) 0.041 0.001
教育水平 0.006
大学及以上 ref. ref. ref. ref. ref. ref.
初中及高中 0.81(0.61~1.07) 0.142 0.80(0.59~1.09) 0.153 0.76(0.52~1.12) 0.161
小学及以下 1.59(1.05~2.42) 0.029 0.86(0.52~1.43) 0.562 0.91(0.48~1.73) 0.781
经济收入(元) 0.011
≥5000 ref. ref. ref. ref. ref. ref.
3500~5000 0.97(0.72~1.26) 0.750 1.25(0.92~1.71) 0.160 1.30(0.89~1.91) 0.175
<3500 0.99(0.72~1.36) 0.939 1.77(1.27~2.47) <0.001 1.65(1.07~2.54) 0.023
吸烟史 0.014
从不吸烟 ref. ref. ref. ref. ref. ref.
曾经吸烟 0.59(0.17~2.02) 0.400 0.34(0.04~2.63) 0.302 5.41(2.10~13.89) <0.001
目前仍然吸烟 0.65(0.19~2.24) 0.493 0.38(0.05~2.94) 0.356 3.43(1.31~8.99) 0.012
吸烟指数(包年) 0.039
0 ref. ref. ref. ref. ref. ref.
1~9 1.24(0.35~4.42) 0.736 2.52(0.32~19.94) 0.382 0.41(0.15~1.08) 0.072
10~19 1.37(0.38~4.87) 0.628 3.86(0.49~30.38) 0.200 0.30(0.10~0.86) 0.024
≥20 1.44(0.42~4.95) 0.564 4.97(0.65~37.98) 0.123 0.62(0.25~1.57) 0.316
被动烟草暴露 1.00(0.61~1.64) 0.983 2.37(1.47~3.81) <0.001 0.98(0.51~1.88) 0.959 0.004
接触油烟 0.85(0.63~1.14) 0.276 1.07(0.74~1.56) 0.709 1.24(0.79~1.93) 0.347 0.475
使用煤燃料 1.31(0.98~1.76) 0.073 0.92(0.66~1.28) 0.620 1.15(0.76~1.73) 0.505 0.273
职业暴露 0.82(0.62~1.09) 0.167 1.31(1.01~1.71) 0.045 1.20(0.86~1.67) 0.291 0.053
早产儿 1.49(0.49~4.50) 0.478 2.12(0.78~5.79) 0.142 0.88(0.12~6.68) 0.898 0.530
幼时支气管炎或肺炎病史 0.84(0.47~1.51) 0.563 1.66(1.04~2.65) 0.035 2.02(1.13~3.63) 0.018 0.025
幼时慢性咳嗽 1.29(0.66~2.52) 0.451 1.13(0.64~1.99) 0.674 1.40(0.70~2.80) 0.346 0.719
呼吸系统疾病家族史 1.19(0.86~1.65) 0.289 1.90(1.43~2.52) <0.001 1.65(1.14~2.39) 0.008 <0.001
冠心病 1.05(0.77~1.43) 0.765 1.55(1.13~2.12) 0.006 0.82(0.53~1.26) 0.358 0.031
高血压 1.11(0.87~1.42) 0.402 0.84(0.65~1.10) 0.198 1.03(0.74~1.43) 0.865 0.442
糖尿病 1.10(0.83~1.46) 0.495 1.09(0.81~1.47) 0.576 0.74(0.49~1.12) 0.152 0.356
肺结核 0.85(0.43~1.71) 0.657 1.65(0.94~2.91) 0.083 0.86(0.37~1.97) 0.717 0.317
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