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Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (10): 881-887. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0785.2024.10.001

• Retroperitoneal Tumors·Clinical Research •    

Key points of anesthesia management and influencing factors of postoperative complications in elderly patients with retroperitoneal tumors

Jungang1 Cai1, Kunpeng Liu1,(), Lan Yao1, Hua Zhang2, Libin Suo1, Jun Wang1, Hongpei Li1, Yue Wei1, chengli Miao3, Jun Chen4, Chenghua Luo4   

  1. 1.Department of Anesthesiology, Peking University International Hosptial, Beijing 102206,China
    2.Clinical Epidemiology Research Center, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, China
    3.Department of Retroperitoneal Tumor Surgery, Peking University International Hosptial, Beijing 102206,China
    4.Department of Retroperitoneal Tumor Surgery, Peking University People’s Hosptial, Beijing 100044, China
  • Received:2024-07-16 Online:2024-10-15 Published:2025-02-28
  • Contact: Kunpeng Liu



To summarize and analyze the key points of anesthesia management for elderly patients undergoing retroperitoneal tumor resection and its impact on patient prognosis, with an aim to provide reference for perioperative management of such patients.


This study retrospectively analyzed the anesthesia management of elderly patients (aged≥65 years) who underwent retroperitoneal tumor resection under general anesthesia at Peking University International Hospital from January 2015 to December 2022, and identified the influencing factors of total length of stay, postoperative hospitalization duration, and postoperative complication classification.


A total of 248 patients were included in this study, including 136 males and 112 females with an average age of (69.7±4.4) years.Preoperative ASA classification was 134 cases of grade II, 106 cases of grade III, and 8 cases of grade IV.One hundred and twenty-nine patients (52.0%) had two or more surgeries, with the duration of surgery and anesthesia being(287.2±132.0) minutes and (362.9±135.9) minutes, respectively.Goal-directed fluid therapy was used during surgery, and blood products were supplemented according to the indications for blood transfusion.After surgery, 198 patients (79.8%) were extubated and returned to ordinary ward, while 50 patients (20.2%)were admitted to the intensive care unit for further treatment.The mean total length of stay was (38.0±21.9)days, and the mean length of postoperative hospitalization was (26.5±20.7) days.Multiple linear regression analysis showed that the length of hospitalization and postoperative hospitalization were positively correlated with the use of prothrombin complex concentrate during surgery and the level of blood glucose at the end of surgery.There were 44 cases of severe complications (Clavien-Dindo grade≥3a) after surgery, Logistic regression analysis showed that male gender, intraoperative infusion of artificial colloid solution, and postoperative lactate level were independent risk factors for severe postoperative complications; Four deaths occurred due to septic shock, hemorrhagic shock, and multiple organ failure.


For elderly patients undergoing retroperitoneal tumor resection, comprehensive preoperative preparation and more precise anesthesia management are required.During the operation, surgeons should avoid the infusion of artificial colloidal fluids, carefully administer prothrombin complex concentrate, and monitor male patients, blood glucose, and lactate levels after surgery.Targeted treatment can help improve patient prognosis.

Key words: Elderly, Retroperitoneal tumor, Anesthesia management, Postoperative complications

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