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中华临床医师杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (07) : 625 -632. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-0785.2024.07.003


崔军威1, 蔡华丽2, 胡艺冰1, 胡慧1,()   
  1. 1.518036 深圳,北京大学深圳医院乳腺外科
    2.518036 深圳,北京大学深圳医院超声科
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-04 出版日期:2024-07-15
  • 通信作者: 胡慧
  • 基金资助:

Clinical value of methylene blue combined with marker clip and hook-wire localization in evaluation of axillary lymph node metastasis after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer

Junwei Cui1, Huali Cai2, Yibin Hu1, Hui Hu1,()   

  1. 1.Department of Breast Surgery,Peking University Shenzhen Hospital,Shenzhen 518036,China
    2.Department of Ultrasound,Peking University Shenzhen Hospital,Shenzhen 518036,China
  • Received:2024-06-04 Published:2024-07-15
  • Corresponding author: Hui Hu

崔军威, 蔡华丽, 胡艺冰, 胡慧. 亚甲蓝联合金属定位夹及定位钩针标记在乳腺癌辅助化疗后评估腋窝转移淋巴结的临床应用价值探究[J/OL]. 中华临床医师杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(07): 625-632.

Junwei Cui, Huali Cai, Yibin Hu, Hui Hu. Clinical value of methylene blue combined with marker clip and hook-wire localization in evaluation of axillary lymph node metastasis after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(07): 625-632.




入组北京大学深圳医院2019 年1 月至2023 年12 月cN1 或cN2 的进行乳腺癌新辅助化疗的患者,化疗前进行腋窝淋巴结穿刺活检并放置金属定位标记夹,化疗结束后进行腋窝亚甲蓝示踪及已标记淋巴结的活检,手术前进行彩超引导下对已标记的淋巴结进行钩针定位,并进行腋窝淋巴结的清扫手术。


共纳入22 名患者入组,中位年龄42 岁(32~66 岁),其中II期18 例,III 期4 例,化疗方案EC-T 或TCbHP。6 例患者接受 TCbHP 方案,16 例患者接受EC-T 方案,其中16(16/22)例患者化疗后病理评估为病理完全缓解(PCR)。所有患者术中均找到标记夹定位的淋巴结,术中淋巴结活检个数为3~5 枚,清扫淋巴结总个数9~38 枚。入组患者中,marker 标记且染色的淋巴结检出18 例,染色淋巴结检出患者19 例。其中marker 标记且染色的淋巴结组平均检出时间(13.27±1.87 )min,高于蓝染淋巴结组的平均检出时间(8.89±2.28)min(P<0.05)。但是前组中淋巴结的假阴性率(5.56%)显著低于亚甲蓝组(31.58%)(P<0.05),且前者准确度(77.27%)高于亚甲蓝组(59.09%),所有患者术后随访至今无出现复发和转移。




To explore the clinical utility of methylene blue combined with marker clip and hook-wire localization in evaluating axillary metastatic lymph nodes after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer.


Patients with cN1 or cN2 breast cancer who underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy from January 2019 to December 2023 at Peking University Shenzhen Hospital were enrolled. Axillary lymph node biopsy was performed and marker clips were placed before chemotherapy. After chemotherapy,methylene blue was used as a tracer to label axillary lymph nodes, and labeled lymph node biopsy was performed. Before axillary lymph node dissection was performed, the labeled lymph nodes were positioned with hook-wires under the guidance of color ultrasound.


A total of 22 patients with breast cancer was included in the study, with a median age of 42 years (range, 32~66 years). All patients, including 18 stage II patients and 4 stage III patients, received chemotherapy with the EC-T (n=6) or TCbHP (n=16) regimen.Sixeen (16/22) patients were evaluated by PCR after chemotherapy. Lymph nodes localized with marker clips were identified in all patients during the operation. The number of lymph node biopsies during the operation was 3-5, and the total number of lymph nodes dissected was 9-38. Among the enrolled patients, 18 were detected with marker clips and stained lymph nodes, and 19 were detected with stained lymph nodes. The average detection time of the marker clip combined with methylene blue group was (13.27±1.87) min, which was longer than that of the methylene blue only group (8.89±2.28 min, P<0.05). However, the false negative rate of lymph nodes in the combination group (5.56%) was significantly lower than that of the methylene blue only group (31.58%, P<0.05). The accuracy of marker clip localization combined with methylene blue staining (77.27%) was higher than that of the methylene blue only group (59.09%), and none of the patients had recurrence or metastasis during the postoperative follow-up period.


For early-stage breast cancer patients with positive lymph nodes and receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy, ultrasonic-guided marker clip and methylene blue dual positioning combined with preoperative hook-wire positioning of axillary lymph nodes is a feasible method, which contributes to more reliable lymph node evaluation after chemotherapy with less trauma.

图1 彩超引导下对转移的淋巴结放置定位标记。图a 为未放置定位夹的右侧腋窝转移淋巴结的超声结果;图b 为超声引导下在转移淋巴结中放置定位夹
图2 术前对不同患者的标记淋巴结放置定位钩针。图a 为患者左侧腋窝放置钩针;图b 为患者右侧腋窝放置钩针;图c为术中根据钩针定位及亚甲蓝示踪标记的淋巴结
图3 Marker 标记的淋巴结和蓝染淋巴结一致。图a 为蓝染的淋巴结;图b 和c 为剖开淋巴结可见定位marker
图4 仅Marker 标记无蓝染的淋巴结。图a 和b 为不同患者的腋窝仅Marker 标记无蓝染的淋巴结
表1 患者的临床资料
表2 2组患者的各项临床指标比较[例(%)]
表3 2组患者在不同腋窝淋巴结分期中的比例[例(%)]
表4 2组之间临床指标的比较
表5 Marker 标记且染色的淋巴结和染色淋巴结的检出情况比较
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